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/ Сочинения / Разное / Сочинения на английском / About my family

About my family

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    Our family is large not very large. We are the family of seven four: my mother, my father, my sister and I.
    My mother's name is Marina She is 40 years old. She is a worker,. She is a very nice, kind and clever woman.
    My father's name is Igor He is 43 years old. He is a workin the magazine. He is lather tall and strong. He is a man of strong character - and all of us love him very much.
    My grandmother's name is Rima She is 65 years old. She does not work now, she is a pensioner, but she has a lot of work to do about the house. All of us try to help her.
    My grandfather' s name is Vitia He is 69 years old. He is a pensioner too.
    My sister are is pupil. There names are Sveta/ They are younger than me.
    We are a very good family. We love each other very much. In the evenings, when all the members of our family get together after work and study, we like to watch TV, to read books and newspapers, to talk about different things and to discuss all our problems together. When the weather is good we sometimes go for a walk. We have a small house in the country with a garden and a kitchen-garden. There is much work there and on week-ends we go there and work and have rest all together.


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